miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Review on the site: GoAnimate.com

After having investigated this web page, I must admit that I find it really useful and appealing to students, especially teenagers.
What students can do here is create a cartoon (like the comic strips we see on the newspapers) but with effects, such as voices, sounds, music, etc. Students can select to record their own voices in order to make the cartoon a bit more personal. To create one takes just a couple of minutes.
Once you sign up, a cartoon character takes you on a tour of the page so as to show you how to create yours. It is really simple.
I created one myself. It is about David's (my character) daily routine. It is short but long enough to check that the Simple Present tense was correctly used. (this is what I would test, if one of my students chose to do it).
Students will get really engaged in creating their own cartoons, and almost any language item can be exploited with this site.
Here goes my home-made cartoon: http://goanimate.com/movie/08oOBVwlD2a0/1
Hope you enjoy it!

GoAnimate.com: David's daily routine by superself

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Facts about the creation of this Blog.

This Blog was created with an educational purpose in mind. A variety of websites will be visited and reviews about them will be published here, so that anyone interested in them can go over these comments to know what the sites are about.
The websites that will be cited here are all educational, and the purpose of reviewing them is for the students and teachers to have updated tools to work with in the lessons.
The present Blog is a creation for the subject: ICT in English Teaching, for the Teacher Training College at UTN. The lecturer of the subject is Paula Ledesma.