miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Review on the site: Xtranormal.com

I must admit that this site is wonderful, since you can create your own movies. The characters that cna be chosen are quite appealing, especially for children. Mind you, there are also characters that may be interesting to adolescents, as well!
My sample movie was created in order to revise Simple Past. It is a shorty dialogue between two friends who are telling each other what they did during the weekend.
The steps to be followed are quite easy. The page is designed in a user-friendly way, making things simple.
It is just a question of typing what you want your characters to say, and that's it! As simple as that!
Here goes my sample movie: http://www.xtranormal.com/makemovies/edit_movie/ccc56508-e750-11df-be74-003048d69c21/fm/?nosearch=1&noregion=1
Hope you enjoy it!

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